Applied Learning Techniques International


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Study Technology Projects

Study Technology Project Sudan

Study Technology in the SudanALTI meeting educatorIn January 2003 a project team licensed by Applied Scholastics International went to Sudan to deliver a pilot program in Study Technology.

Twenty nine senior educators and education ministry officials participated in an intensive two week training program learning the three barriers to study and how to overcome them, the reasons why students run into difficulties and find it difficult to study and apply their knowledge, and how to help them to achieve their educational goals. This pilot program was greatly appreciated by all who participated.

Teaching study tech in the SudanThe training team consisted of Veronica Tupholme who is Head Teacher of the UK’s leading Study Technology school; Johan Schokker, with many years’ experience of Study Technology as a business trainer; Louis Scott who has 20 years of experience as a Study Technology supervisor in Africa and Alan Cook who has over 25 years’ experience as a Study Technology supervisor. The fifth member of the team was the well known classical Arabic singer, Noura Ben Amor (stage name Gamar), who assisted the team with her knowledge of Arabic culture and also participated in a popular current affairs TV programme and enthralled the large audience with some of her songs.

For participants’ testimonials or for official letters of acceptance and recommendation for this and other Study Technology programmes please click on the appropriate link.

This project is now used as a model for Applied Learning Techniques International programs.

Study Technology Project Gambia

Student at workIn 1999, the Gambian High Commissioner to Great Britain, the Hon. Mr. John Bojang, and the Honourable Secretary of State for Education, Mrs. Anne Therese Ndong-Jatta, were introduced to the benefits of Mr. Hubbard’s learning technology during a visit to his home in Sussex, England, and to a nearby school using these methods.

This initial visit was followed by a visit to England by a team of four senior education officers from the Department of State for Education in November 1999 to be trained in the basics of Study Technology.

The Department of State for Education then requested assistance in carrying out the implementation of the Study Technology in all its schools in the Gambia from ABLE (Association for Better Living and Education) International and from Applied Scholastics International consultants in the United Kingdom. Early in 2000, training courses were run in the Gambia for officers and teachers in collaboration with the Gambia College.

In June 2000, a team from Applied Scholastics, led by Mrs. Ann Roberts, visited the country and ran a pilot course for teachers. Several meetings were also held to look at the way forward, the most urgent consideration being the sourcing of funds. Since then both parties have made funding applications which it is hoped will receive positive responses.

Applied Scholastics consultants recently proposed a two-stage plan for the further training of all teachers in The Gambia. This plan is based upon successful actions taken elsewhere, such as in Mexico, where 33,000 teachers and students were trained in under ten weeks by the “Campana Mexicana para Mejorar el Estudio” (Mexican Campaign for Improving Education), an Applied Scholastics training activity.

Study Technology Project Zimbabwe

The programme in Zimbabwe has been running since 1994. Two Sudanese educationalists visited the programme in the Selukwe District of the Midland Region with Lord and Lady McNair in 1998. In the eight years the programme has been running, tens of thousands of teachers have been trained to use Study Technology in their teaching and about a hundred thousand children have been taught to use it whenever they study.

Study Technology Project Philippines

Recently the Government of the Philippines authorised the printing of the Study Books in a special edition to reflect the local version of English for use in all the country’s schools.

Study Technology Project Pakistan

An Applied Scholastics representative recently returned to the UK from Islamabad where she was working with the Minister for Education, the Permanent Secretary and the Federal Directorate of Education. She has been training teachers within the Federal Directorate of Education where the Director General selects teachers for training as trainers.

Study Technology Project Mongolia

In 2000, a delegation from Mongolia visited Greenfields School in Sussex, southern England to find out about Study Technology and see it in action in the classroom. After a stimulating discussion, members of the delegation felt that this methodology could be of benefit to the Mongolian education system. In 2003 Applied Scholastics consultants from the UK visited Mongolia in response to an increasing level of interest in Study Technology in educational and political circles there.


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